
Brazil's Rio Kicks Off 2016 Summer Olympic Game.......


Rio’s Olympic Games are fully underway Saturday with road cycling, beach volleyball, boxing and several swimming events. Highlights include the U.S. women’s soccer team facing off against France and the U.S. men’s basketball team taking on China.

American shooter Ginny Thrasher, a 19-year-old competitor in the women’s air rifle event took gold, edging out two Chinese competitors Du Li and Yi Siling.
Read:Rio 2016: Olympic Games declared open in dazzling show
The competition Saturday followed Friday’s colorful opening ceremony, which embraced Brazil’s cultural diversity as well as its social and economic challenges.
Interim Brazilian President Michel Temer presided over the opening of the games inside Maracana Stadium, with dozens of heads of state in attendance. He took over from suspended president Dilma Rousseff, who is facing an impeachment trial and tweeted she was "sad to not be at the party."Despite the political unpleasantness, a huge throng of spectators attended the ceremony at Rio's Maracana Stadium, among them French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, both of whom have cities in the running for the 2024 Olympic Games.
Also in attendance, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon along with nearly two dozen other representatives of national governments.
Fireworks and dozens of dancers set the show in motion with bright colors, shiny fabric and plenty of the passion for which Brazil is famous.
Brazilian Grammy winner Gilberto Gil wrote the song Aquele Abraco, that began the ceremony. Gil spent several years living in exile in London when Brazil was ruled by a military dictatorship. His song expresses love for his homeland, and specifically for Rio.The song was a part of Brazil's long, proud musical history, which was on full display during Friday's ceremony. From funk to samba to hip-hop, it was all featured as the opening built toward the entrance of athletes from around the world. Among the featured artists were Ludmilla, Cristian Do Passinho, Lelezinha, Elza Soares, Marcelo D2 and Karol Conka.
Video screens around Maracana Stadium showed some of the lyrics, mostly in Portuguese, as fireworks went off and dancers clad in huge, multicolored wigs and red, yellow, white and orange outfits performed on the stadium floor.
After the nearly four-hour ceremony was over - about 45 minutes longer than scheduled - Brazilian spectator Amanda Ramos Amore shared her thoughts with VOA.
“I loved it. It was like perfect. I've never seem something like that before.” She added that it exceeded her expectations.
In some cases, budgetary woes caused high-profile problems. The Australian Olympic team initially refused to move into its housing, citing clogged toilets and exposed wiring in the dormitories. After several days' delay, the problems were corrected and the team moved in — only to have to evacuate briefly, two days later, because of a fire scare.
Olympic facilities have been plagued with other problems, such as the collapse of a boat ramp a week ago that still has not been fixed, and worries about sanitary conditions, such as water pollution and the threat of Zika virus transmission through mosquito bites.
And even the torch relay hit a rough patch Friday, as organizers diverted its course away from the famed Copacabana Beach to avoid crowds of protesters and Olympic fans.

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